Friday, November 4, 2011

Diwali Reading

Finally caught up with some reading over Diwali - here's what I read in no particular order

Steve Jobs' Biography by Walter Isaacson 

Must read - don't care if it gives a balanced or otherwise view. Very well written - not sure if any one else could have done justice to this book. Can understand why Steve Jobs chose Walter Isaacson to write it. If there is only one book you read this year - let it be this one

The Facebook Effect - David Kirkpatrick

David's been one of my favorite technical writers - and if you want to catch up with something beyond the "Social Network" movie - go for it. Lots of stuff to learn from this one as well.

Some fiction that I caught up with

Noah Boyd - The Bricklayer - keeps you (gripped is not the right word - but it comes close) engaged and is a good distraction

Chetan Bhagat's new book - Revolution 2020
If you like Chetan Bhagat's books - then go ahead and read it - don't expect anything new or different. Although the preface does not beguile the fact that you notice Chetan Bhagat's ego seems to be in an ever expanding state .. ;-)

James Patterson - Lifeguard. 
Nothing stands out from this book - but it does hold you through till the end. If you have it lying around - go for it - don't buy it though!